Tag Archives | exercise for weight loss in 7 days


How To Incorporate Yoga To Your HIIT Fitness Routine

As a fitness buff and a High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) practitioner, incorporating yoga to your regular routine is truly one of the best ways to add more spice and variety to your practice. While most people think that yoga and HIIT are worlds apart, and incomparable, incorporating them can only lead to positive gains […]

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Mind And Body: Are They As Distinct As Initially Believed?

For the time being, most experts of both physical and mental health believe that there is still a need to conduct more in-depth studies before a definitive picture of the connections between the body and mind can be drawn. The effects of chemicals on the brain, whether occurring naturally or introduced through psychoactive drugs, have […]

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Can A Woman Be Fat and Still Be Beautiful?

There is a movement going around the world right now trying to get people to not be judgmental or look down on overweight or obese people. There is even a term for it. It’s called “fat shaming”. Fat people do not want to be called fat. They still wish to be perceived as human beings […]

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